Method, Mindset, and Process of Successful Authors

The Grand Rapids Region Writers Group
presents our 2020 Workshop
With Special Guest speakers
Lara Zielin and Alex Kourvo
Saturday, August 9, 2020
Byron Township Community Center

Finish Your Book Already! How to create a new mindset to get out of your own way and get those words flowing.
Imagine sitting down to write and feeling confident about your words, capable of new ideas, and clear about your calling as a writer. In this workshop, author Lara Zielin will show you a new way to use writing to help you get unstuck, crush your fears, and keep moving forward. You will learn specific techniques to help you grow as a writer and write the book of your heart.

What’s at Stake? How knowing what your character wants is the key to page-turning fiction.
What does your character want and how far will she go to get it? The answers to those two questions are the keys to hooking readers and keeping them engrossed to the last page. In this workshop, author Alex Kourvo will take a fresh look at story stakes, giving you new techniques for writing unforgettable characters. 

Time Management for Authors: How to wrangle your schedule and yourself to overcome distraction and procrastination once and for all.
Every writer battles against the clock. There are not enough hours in the day, and writing always seems to come last. In this workshop, authors Alex Kourvo and Lara Zielin will combine their expertise to bring you the best of productivity and problem-solving techniques. Learn to align your mindset and your goals with your schedule to get more words on the page in less time.

Save the date! Registration will begin soon.


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